
Cargo Insurance for Distribution Companies

Understanding Cargo Insurance

Cargo Insurance protects goods during transit, ensuring your products like product, vape pens, cash, and other valuables are covered while on the move. It also extends to items under your care, such as when a distribution company transports products for another entity.

Why You Need Cargo Insurance

High-value goods in transit should always be insured. If your products are lost, stolen, or damaged, cargo insurance compensates for the actual cash value and covers income loss if the cargo cannot be replaced, like a harvested crop.

Selecting the Right Cargo Policy

The ideal cargo insurance policy depends on your business operations, including the type of goods, their value, and the travel distance. For armored transportation, coverage for cash in transit can go up to $1,000,000.

Coverage Details of Cargo Insurance

Typical coverage for businesses includes:

  • Weather damage, sinking, or derailment
  • Cargo abandonment
  • Non-delivery
  • Theft
  • Fire
  • Smoke damage
  • Infestation

Cargo insurance ensures you can recover losses and replace goods in case of incidents during transit.

Advantages of Cargo Insurance

Minimize Financial Risks

Whether you’re receiving products or delivering them to customers, cargo insurance protects against significant financial losses from transit mishaps.

Control Over Insurance Terms

Owning your insurance policy means you can customize it to meet your specific needs, unlike relying on a buyer’s or seller’s policy.

Tips for Choosing the Best Cargo Insurance

Seek Flexible Coverage Options

Ensure your policy offers flexibility to tailor coverage to your cannabis business’s unique needs.

Partner with an Experienced Broker

Choose an insurance broker who understands the botanical and supplement industry and can guide you through legal claims and regulatory requirements.

Request a Cargo Insurance Quote

For a quote or more information about cargo insurance, contact Bozzuto Group today.



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